I needed a orange-ie, golden, crunchy crystal bead--I needed them for my cross stitch project. Topaz was the person for the job. It's PERFECT, I could (and have) stared into Topaz's dreamy depths for minutes, lost in thought. Am I in love with topaz? yeah. I am. And I don't care who knows it.
These are BLUE. like imagine in your mind a blue crayola crayon, the blue of the evening sky just after the last rays of the sun have completely faded, a deep ocean blue. BLUE. ok. and blue?! BLUE IS BEST. get these beads already, what are you even waiting for. Do you want to be happy? Do you want to live your best, blue life? THEN GET TO IT!
Hi--are you looking for a lovely shade of green? Somewhere in the realm of grassy, not too emerald, not too yellow-ie? LOOK NO FURTHER! this is the bicone bead for you PERIDOT. and! what?! Crystal Parade has these in their inventory? you'd be so dumb not to buy your beads from them. They're the loveliest bead retailers--they're great. I love em. you will too.
Have you ever wanted to eat a sparkly, faux gemstone? Well! You shouldn't (it's bad for you,) but you'll WANNA when you get these bad boys home. They're so intensely, frighteningly SPARKLING.