Rhinestone transfers are a quick and easy way to add rhinestone sparkle to your clothing or accessories. For a detailed guide and more information on the different types of transfers available, check out our informative How To guide.

Here is a quick look at easy it is to iron on a crystal transfer. We’ve chosen the Preciosa heart transfer and will be ironing it onto a plain cotton bag.

  1. Have your transfer, iron and fabric on hand in reaching distance.
  2. Peel away the paper backing.
  3. Place the transfer (shiny side facing upwards) onto the fabric and press firmly to remove any air bubbles.

4. With baking paper covering the transfer to protect it, iron over the top for a good 30 seconds, constantly moving the iron.
5. Peel away the top plastic film to reveal the crystals.
6. There you have it! Give it a quick move around to make sure all the rhinestones are fixed correctly. If any peel off, simply replace the film and iron over it again.

Handy tipsRhinestone application