Using crystal shapes within nail art has become a massive trend recently and there a multitude of ways you can incorporate them into your design. The availability of rhinestone shapes for nail art has grown hugely since the Zodiac brand was introduced to the UK and with Swarovski reducing their supply, other brands like Preciosa have started to expand their range too.
A guide to crystal shapes
There is a myriad of shapes to choose from, all offering different qualities and styles:
Geometric – If you want to create a geometric or art deco inspired design you will want to use straight edged shapes such as Square, Diamond, Rhombus, Baguette or Kite. These work really well together as they offer symmetry and a perfect neat finish.

Floral/Natural – Shapes with a curved edge such as Leaf, Flame, Paisley, Peardrop, Navette or Raindrop are great for creating natural, floral or art nouveau style design. You can apply these shapes together in one design to create an entirely new image, or use individually for a more subtle look.

Novelty/Seasonal – Shapes that are themed or novelty such the Heart, Star, Butterfly, Bow Tie, Snowflake or skull are great making a feature or standout nail within the set. These types of shapes are often used in the run up to an event or celebration for example Valentine’s Day, Christmas or Halloween. Outline them with caviar beads to really make them sing!

Let’s take a look at how you can elevate a manicure by using crystal shapes:

Simple yet effective

In this example of a stunning manicure by Scarlett Senter, the main feature of the design is the clear crystal marquise shape. Scarlett has outlined the marquise using smaller round rhinestones with gold caviar beads to fill the gaps, and compliments the feature nail with a more subtle crystal design on the next one. This is such a simple technique but has great results.

Full crystal coverage

In contrast to Scarlett’s subtle approach, nail artist Tino Vo has used the popular raindrop and flame shapes in AB to almost cover the nails in bling. These shapes are so effectively used here, the pointed tip of the raindrop is directing our eye to the sharpened end of the nail giving a claw-like effect. And there’s no way anyone could miss that AB sparkle!

Shapes to draw the eye

In another wonderful example of Scarlett Senter’s work, the subtle use of this Light Siam Flame shape is so effective as a contrast to the black and white manicure. The two individual flames stand out so strongly again the white background that your eyes are instantly drawn to the featured design next to them.

Shapes to match

In this design below, Scarlett has cleverly incorporated a matching coloured shape that is almost camouflaged within the manicure. The marquise shape sits perfectly in the centre of the nail and is highlighted with flatback rhinestones in complimenting colours and outlined in silver caviar beads to finish it off.

A different shape for every nail

As there are so many fun and interesting crystal shapes available, why not use one on every nail! Here Scarlett shows off her crystal placement skills beautifully, each nail features a unique design including a feature shape surrounded by more rhinestones in an intricate pattern.

Nail art & beauty