Hotfix rhinestones, also known as iron on rhinestones, are flat bottomed gems with
glue incorporated into the foil backing. The glue is activated by heat, so require a hotfix tool, heat press or iron to apply them to your material. This is how they differ from non hotfix rhinestones, which requires glue.

Hotfix crystals can be better for large scale projects because you wouldn’t need to purchase glue. It is also a quicker, neater and more durable method of applying rhinestones. However, hotfix crystals are more expensive to purchase than non hotfix crystals.

Yes, if applied correctly and given the proper aftercare, hotfix crystals can be fixed permanently.

Hotfix is a more durable method of applying crystals than glue, plus there is no mess or sticky residue.

Hotfix crystals can be applied using a hotfix applicator tool, an iron or heat press. When using the applicator tool, the crystals are applied individually so it can be time consuming. However an iron or heatpress allows you to adhere many crystals in one go. Read more about embellishing with hotfix crystals for an in depth guide and handy tips.

If your hotfix rhinestones are falling off, there could be a number reasons.

1) They may not have been adhered correctly, for example not enough heat was used to melt the glue fully, or there may have been some dust or fluff on the material which prevented the glue from properly bonding.

2) You may have accidentally knocked or scratched the rhinestones too hard against another surface.

3) If it is a garment, it may have been overused or over washed – garments with hotfix rhinestones attached can withstand a cool wash, but fabric conditioner will loosen the stones so avoid using it if possible.

Yes hotfix rhinestones can be removed by carefully using a sharp tool to peel it away from the fabric. However this may leave a noticeable residue, or sometimes the foil backing can be left behind.

Yes, hotfix rhinestones can be ironed on using a standard household iron, without the steam setting. We recommend placing a sheet of baking paper over the top of the rhinestones to protect against the heat.

Yes, clothes with hotfix rhinestones attached can be hand washed, or washed in a machine on a cool, gentle cycle. You must not use fabric conditioner as this will loosen the stones, resulting in them falling off.